For the past two decades, the turnout of Americans in presidential elections has been below 60%. In 2020, however, Americans voted at a record-breaking 61.3%. Turnout in local city elections with populations less than a million is often as low as 20%.
The problem is that general public don’t voice their opinion in the voting booths where in fact policies and laws are approved by elected officials.
In fact, only a small percentage of eligible voters actually vote on election day. This means that many decisions are made without the input of everyone affected by them.
In a democracy, everyone should have an equal say in how their government works. Everyone should have an equal opportunity to learn about issues and candidates, and to participate in elections themselves.
On the other hand, politicians have to raise millions of dollars for their campaigns and have to spend much of their time raising money from special interest groups.
The solution is to educate voters on the importance of voting and teach them how to do it effectively. The goal of my workshop is to increase voter turnout by providing information about elections and voting process.