Hello, I'm

Amin Salahuddin

Author, Speaker, Motivator, Entrepreneur & More…
Hello, I'm

Amin Salahuddin

Author, Speaker, Motivator, Entrepreneur & More…
  • Amin500659_02282023


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Beaboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consen cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.

Hard Work

Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui offi llit anim id est laborum.

Give First Take Last

A Path to Learning Perseverance, Building Resilience, and Impacting Your Community

This book contains the author’s personal stories about his perseverance toward achieving his goals. Through his personal stories, he hopes to inspire you to face your challenges head-on, persevere to overcome them and become resilient. In this book, the author shares how he handled his challenges through the “Give First, Take Last” and “Forgive First” approaches. Read More…

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      Get in Touch


      Bardeshi, Amin Bazar, New York


      +01234 567 890




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